A few of the most asked questions answered in one place!
What is the purpose of Soul Horses LLC?
- We are an independent organization(LLC) focused on helping as many slaughter-bound, neglected, abused or abandoned horses as possible to a better life.
Who runs Soul Horses LLC?
- Soul Horses LLC is run by Randi Collier.
What Services do you provide?
- Rescue Services including but not limited to ~
- Bail (Saving horses from kill pens and auction)
- Bail assistance (Described below)
- Quarantine
- Rehabilitation
- Training
- Consultation (Both of rescue services and performance training/sales)
- Home placement (of rescued horses)
- Sale (with contract!) of performance horses
Are you a rescue organization?
- I do not much care for the word ‘rescue’. However, we do ‘rescue’ horses from bad situations. I just call it ‘Being good people’ and I strive for that daily.
Are funds sent to Soul Horses LLC Tax Deductible?
- No. Soul Horses LLC is not a registered nonprofit organization.
Why are you a LLC and not a 501c3?
- The rules and regulations as an LLC allow us to better achieve our purpose and goals of not ONLY ‘rescuing’ horses but helping more horses on a grander scale by various means. (Auction purchase, rehabilitation , sale of performance horses WITH contracts, et cetera)
- HOWEVER ~ Please read :
On behalf of Randi Collier I am pleased to announce the formation of two new horse rescue service companies:
The first one is SOUL HORSES LLC, and is designed to continue my unabated efforts to ease the pain and suffering of horses, burros and mules inside the continental United States, especially the ones in “Kill Pens” and destined for the foreign slaughter markets in Mexico and Canada. This business entity isn’t a continuation or name change of my previously held company; SOUL HORSE TEXAS, which has been closed but is an entirely new business entity which provides my donor base with one option of donating. This entity is a privately held limited liability company.
The second one is SOUL AFIRE ( As of February 2020 a STATE nonprofit) and adds an added benefit to my donor base who require a a Non-Profit to donate to which offers a year end tax write off. At present this Non-Profit entity has already been approved by the State of Texas and I’m currently applying for my 501 C 3 Charitable designation with the Internal Revenue Service. As soon as this business’s IRS Non-Profit status is approved I will be posting this information on this web site.
Each entity will have separate buttons to provide financial assistance to the horses. Please ensure, you are donating to the correct business entity when providing a charitable donation.
What happens with a horse once you own them?
- Our primary goal is to not only ‘save’ a horse but better their life. Healing both the body AND the mind is crucial. Therefore, they undergo mandatory quarantine of at least thirty days, vetting and assessment. When ready, they are moved into training and then available for adoption.
- Let it be known we ALSO help horses into other trusted rescues. For instance ~ A rescue we trust and work with may ask for bail assistance with a particular horse they wish to take in, rehabilitate and care for. We do this periodically (again, with contract.) When this happens, updates and communication are mandatory as if they were ‘our own’.
I take great joy in sharing these horses with the public and those who support what we do.
Do you sell horses?
- Our rescued horses are adopted with a fee and contract.
- We DO, however, also offer performance horses for sale (WITH contract).
How can I help?
- Donations and sponsoring are the best ways.
- Sharing, commenting, and word of mouth helps tremendously as well.
- Adopting is also an immense help!
Through these two business entities I will continue to provide needed services to the horse community in order to rescue and ease the pain and suffering of abused, neglected, discarded and slaughter bound horses, mules and burro’s within the continental United States , affect POSITIVE change and build a network to BETTER help horses help people better horses.
It’s through charitable donations ,input, ideas and support from like minded individuals and/or donors that my mission is made possible.