Warning ~ I’m going to vent a bit.
There are days I long for ‘pre internet’ and peaceful oblivion.
Some days it is just too damned hard to see what I see…..So many healthy, gorgeous horses losing their lives for no real ‘reason’.
Today is one of those days.
A friend went to the Fabrizius lot, touched these horses…Some followed her with hope in their eyes .
A silent plea, perhaps? I believe they ‘know’. As highly sensitive creatures of pure love….
They feel far more than one may think. It breaks yet another piece of my heart each and every time I see another that should never meet such a terrible end as slaughter. It hurts me on levels I cannot even express to see them even from afar ….knowing what their end will be.
The thing is……..Once I see them, even if it is ONE…..I am not built to go ‘Oh, how sad’……….and turn away.
I STILL believe, even now that we can ALL do more.
Help more.
I AM NOT SPEAKING solely of ‘money’. I mean sharing their posts. Encouraging others. Leaving a comment . A TEAM effort to give more horses the best life possible.
These horses pictured…..Ship to slaughter tomorrow morning.
Because I cannot bear it…I am posting them in the ever present hope that that will not be the end of their story. The good news? If but 4 more are saved, the ‘shipment’ to Mexico is delayed another week , for there will not be enough to ‘make weight.’
You see…..even in despair….There is always a seed of hope.
And with but a seed……Mountains can be moved.
This….is why I keep going.
That seed of hope…Springs eternal.