‘Those horses don’t ship to slaughter!’
‘They don’t have a ‘contract’ to ship to slaughter’.
Cool story.
Absolutely false.
‘They’ do not NEED a ‘contract’ to ship horses to slaughter.
SOMEONE needs paperwork to ship them, true.
This HIGHLY false rumour that This pen and that pen’ ‘ does not, CAN not ship horses because they ‘Don’t have a contract!’ is not only inaccurate but ludicrous.
‘They’ll just go to another auction’.
Perhaps. That does indeed happen( and often!) but can you absolutely GUARANTEE they aren’t purchased by someone who WILL buy them from said auction and ship them for weight ?
Betcha can’t.
Do your homework.
Ask Questions.
Go to the sources.
The anti-kill pen , anti -bailing, would be ‘Horse Warriors’ of Facebook are NOT your best source for accurate information as facts are hardly their forte.
While I more than applaud the efforts of anyone ‘ rescuing’ however they see best and agree that buying from auction is a WONDERFUL way….it’s just that.
It is ONE way.
Not the ONLY .