Again and Again ….. And One More Time

You may have seen the enormous volume of horses showing up in kill pens lately and the ALARMING amount of foals and yearlings.
the biggest questions are WHY? WHERE are they coming from?

Unfortunately, due to the reservation roundups not occurring for the past few years there is a huge backlog NOW that they have resumed.
Here’s where it gets tricky ….
Are these ALL ‘Rez Foals’?
This is a huge hodgepodge of breeds and circumstances and there’s frankly no telling what you’ll get.
I feel they are all still worth the chance.

In just the past month we have seen hundreds ( upon hundreds) of them turn up in Texas, Kansas, and now Colorado.

This is no ordinary situation by any means. These horses are wild, completely unhandled, scared and yes, often dangerous to both people and themselves.
More so to themselves.
As awful as that is , it is not at all surprising for a wild heart to become so when cornered.

And that is precisely what is happening. Roundups take these horses OUT of their wild, natural element and force them into pens, then trailers….
Then it happens all over again to get them TO the kill pens purchasing them.

I’ve seen many comments to the tune of ‘Why isn’t the government DOING anything?’
That’s a fair and good question but it remains unanswered at this time.

Many are furious that these horses are going to ‘Kill Pens’.
While I , too, intensely dislike it I must state these facts :

1. The kill pens ( Sadly) are perhaps the ONLY people equipped with the facilities to hold horses like this at this volume.
Very, VERY few outfits would be able to properly house this many at one time.
As it is, many of these adult wilds are dying due to running themselves to death ( literally ), smashing into fences, stress and more.
It is a literal nightmare.

2. WHY would the kill pens take them on?
The same old answer.
Follow the money.
They purchase them, they transport them, they sell them. Of course they’re making money off them.

At this time, there is simply NOT a ‘good’ solution to this issue. Certainly ( I hope) one can be found but for today this IS the most feasible way for ANY of these horses to get a chance.

It is ugly.
It is a nightmare.
It is also a reality at this time and while we could just close our eyes until it is over ( for now) …
I choose not to and instead to help where I can.
Help SOME of them get a better life and a better end to such a terrible story.

With now over 100 babies in the Fabrizius Kill Pen in Eaton, Colorado , we have chosen to concentrate on the newly orphaned, the injured, the small and in need babies.

Margaret Conway, Amber Davis , Rebecca Ruth have all opened their barns for these little guys and their care is BEYOND reproach.
They can take these babies in immediately as they are both close to this lot and can get there quickly.

We want those of you following this to SEE those babies be picked up and start their new lives. To WATCH them grow up and learn that people can be ‘Alright’.

We do need some help to make that happen, though.

We are currently raising for TWELVE babies at $450 each
Total of $5400
Venmo ~

Or the ‘Donate’ button on the website.

Do please always feel free to ask questions, get involved and contact me directly !

Email ~
Telephone ~ 409-998-4339

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