‘Out with the old, in with the new.’
To address a few topics ( again!) , away we go!
Over the past two years and more so as of late I have seen entirely much nonsense.
What nonsense does ( especially to the degree of ) is take away from these horses.
( And a healthy lifestyle, to boot. )
There are FAR too many good people and positive things to focus on and give energy and than to waste any more time entertaining the negative.
Zero tolerance ~
Foul Language lies, harassment, negativity, and anything else of the sort will be deleted from the pages, for they have no place nor purpose.
This is a one woman show for now, and the foreseeable future .
That means pages, social media, phones, books, the whole shebang, I am doing to the best of my ability.
If you feel you indeed have better ideas ,ways to improve, and a better way then I am certainly open to listening and learning and working together. I am not open to being berated nor belittled for having a different vision or way of doing than you .
With that said , please eel free to contact and discus .
If you have sincere concerns and questions, please email, message, or call anytime to discuss.
If you would prefer our horses be housed in a ‘nicer’ pasture or barn feel free to lease one, and send us the keys and gate code.
Otherwise, be content with the fact we do our absolute best with the means we have available to us.
We ( I) are not independently wealthy , and until the day comes that I should be so fortunate, I work with what I have.
If you are GENUINELY concerned about a horse in our care, please feel free to submit an adoption application for said horse(s).
I welcome questions, comments, constructive criticism and healthy discussion.s
I will no longer give time nor credence to anything other than precisely that.
If it is our financials that is our concern , well then, I have you covered. A monthly financial summary is posted to both our Facebook page and beginning September 1st, this website.
Again, if you have questions bout what this organization does, hopes to do in the future, our horses, or anything else, I highly suggest you come to the source, rather than t those who have not bothered to find out, or ‘what you read’. (Thank you Inspector Google!)
I am happy to answer anything, anytime.
Onward , upward, forward may we ALL go.
Until next time ~
Remember ::
“The secret of getting ahead is getting STARTED. “
~Mark Twain
Randi Collier