‘ They don’t ship those horses’!
I’d like to make something VERY clear.
With all of the false and misleading information out there I feel this is a necessary post to make.
In my years of rescue, bailing horses from kill pens and the like I have seen this absurd comment (in attempt to prevent would be donors and individuals from helping kill pen horses) tossed about like rogue fly ball FAR too often:
‘ Oh that pen won’t ship those horses ! They don’t have a contact’!’ ………
First of all, that…is…. FALSE. Though the dissemination of this incredibly inaccurate statement has been a handy tool bandied about to start arguments by those who are anti kill pen bailing….I repeat: It’s FALSE. The truth of the matter is, as anyone would come to know if they did actual research rather than just saying they have and piecing together what information they feel best suits their agenda.
Anyone with the proper contacts (know a guy who knows a guy’ scenario) can ship a horse to slaughter. With that said they do not PERSONALLY have the ability and authority to directly send a horse to slaughter.. but believe me when I say they will get it done and far more easily than you may think.
Is it right? Of course not. Is it legal? Do your research.
The fact remains that though this is a popular opinion among those who despise anyone who DOES bail from kill pens…. it would be a hell of a lot better if they knew their facts before misleading people , yes?
Do your homework and please.. do not just ‘buy’ whatever story you may come across simply because it ‘ sounds better.’ This one statement has hurt more horses than you could possibly imagine. Though it would,, of course , be somewhat of a comfort to think that were true…
It simply is not.
I *ship* you not.