I Ship you Not

‘ They don’t ship those horses’!I’d like to make something VERY clear. With all of the false and misleading information out there I feel this is a necessary post to make. In my years of rescue, bailing horses from kill pens and the like I … Continue readingI Ship you Not

(Its) A Boy!

Last Friday I received a desperate phone call about a severely starved and abandoned horse in Orange, Texas. He was thankfully owner surrendered to the Orange county dog Pound. Though to date they have not been set up for horses, they took him right in, … Continue reading(Its) A Boy!

Buyer Be AWARE

Buyers Be AWARE~ Informative post based on MY experiences:PLEASE note ~When purchasing horses from auctions OR kill pens ( as well as often private sellers, but more so the auction/ Pens) there are a few things you should take in to serious consideration. I. What … Continue readingBuyer Be AWARE


50 Shades of Grey awesomeness! This guy can do it all, and look DANG good doing so. Coming available for purchase/ Re-homing February 2021 REHOMED FEBRUARY 2021


Adopted♥ The sweetest thing….Sixteen year old gelding saved from slaughter February 2021 PERMANENT RESIDENTTyrrell Park Stables Beaumont , Texas