Buyer Be AWARE

Buyers Be AWARE~ Informative post based on MY experiences:PLEASE note ~When purchasing horses from auctions OR kill pens ( as well as often private sellers, but more so the auction/ Pens) there are a few things you should take in to serious consideration. I. What … Continue readingBuyer Be AWARE

The Real Cost

I am sorry to post this, as it never gets easier. ‘Macha’, ID’d as ‘Stout Margaret’, eight year old OTTB mare rescued April 7th, 2021 from East Texas Equine in horrendous condition and tremendous pain(and a foal at her side) had only five days of … Continue readingThe Real Cost

Fright Night

I dream of the day I no longer see this….much less so often. Both unfortunately AND fortunately….I did see this one and naturally, it horrified me as it does every time. Emaciated, covered in rain rot, bleeding abscesses …..This is one that needed immediate help … Continue readingFright Night


‘Horses give us the wings we lack’. ~ Pam Brown Here’s the thing……I ( and many others) catch a great deal of flak for ‘riding our horses’. ‘But how on EARTH can you ‘rescue’ horses if you ride them?I’ve spoken before on this topic but … Continue readingDREAMS


They say ‘Life is a Gamble’….and that is certainly true when purchasing or rescuing a ‘Kill Pen Horse’. More often than not you will have NO idea what you are getting, what medical or mental issues these horses will have. You may never know their … Continue readingROLL THE DICE

A Hole in the World

‘Humanity’s true moral test, its fundamental test consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals.’~Milan Kundera SURELY….In a world given the GIFT of the presence of animals there is something terribly and fundamentally wrong with the way they are all too … Continue readingA Hole in the World


Wait, what? War? But we are not at war! Aren’t we, though?For our causes, our children, our animals, our rights….Amongst each other for various reasons ….And most of all, with ourselves. “Only the dead have seen the end of war.”― Plato Sadly, this is so very … Continue readingWARTIME WOES